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SOLO Aircraft Engine 2625 02


General engine description
- Twin - cylinder in line - two - stroke - engine
- Lquid cooling
- Lubrication by fuel-oil-mixture
- Two diaphragm carburetors
- Dual electronic high-voltage ignition
- Crankshaft layout for belt transmission
- Electric starter
- AC generator

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Technical data
Engine Displacement 625 ccm, cyl. bore 76 mm, stroke 69 mm
Compression rartio 9.5 : 1
Ignition unit Dual electronic high-voltage ignition (Ducati Energia)
Ignition plugs BOSCH W5 AC Gap at electrodes 0.5 mm
Carburetor MIKUNI diaphragm carburetor Typ BN 38
Direction of rotation Clockwise, seen in direction of flight
Fuel 2-Stroke mix, AVGAS 100LL, premium gas (min. 95 ROZ)
Mixture Mixture ratio 1 : 50 , 2-stroke Castrol mineral oil or synthetic oil, or other oils with specification according to JASO FC oder FD
Dry Weight Approx. 24.0 kg
Generator 12 V 150 W


Operational data and limitations
Take-off-speed, power 6,500 1/min. with a power of 47 kW (64 HP)
Max. cont. speed, power 6,500 1/min. with a power of 47 kW (64 HP)
Max. rpm 7,000 1/min
Idle rpm approx. 2,300 1/min
Max. temp. cooling liquid 115 °C (240°F) measured in the cylinder - head
Fuel consumption Max. continous power approx. 6.47 US gal./hr. (24.5 l/hr.)